January 5, 2011


Who is one person that you think is a hero and why? What characteristics do they have? What are some of their actions?


Mrs. Coggin said...

I think Anne Frank is a hero.

Joseph said...

Anne Frank is the hero of her time by showing bravery in the time of the Nazi.

josh said...

i think president linkon is a hero becuse he frede slavse
went throe the ciler war.

Adalberto said...

My dad is a hero becues he takes good cears of me and he is nice to me.

Pricilla said...

I think my mom and dad is a hero because they take care of us

lizette said...

I think Anne Frank is a hero because she mad peopel happy becaus of hir diery

carlos said...

I think mickle vick is a Hero.
because he is a exelent foot ball player.And he can flip and juke and toss to people.