April 29, 2009

Colorado Habitats

What have you learned about the 8 Colorado habitats?


cristina said...

In this I.b unit we are learning about colorado habitats.We are learning what kinds of animals there is in colorado.We are also learning were they live.We also learned more by going to two field trips.On one we went to estes park and to rocky mountain arsenal.We are also learning the eight colorado habbitats.They are Alpine tundra,subpilne forest,monte forest,riparian,montane shurblands,sage shurb lands,grass lands,pinion juniper woodlands.This is what we learned in ib.

samantha said...

In Mrs. Coggins class we are learning about COLORADO habitats. we learned that bees do not want to hurt you at all.Also, bees have a powch to hold the naeter.And do not kill bees because they make the flowers grow and make nater more nice . Also,they are kill bees that take the hony from the bees.That is what we learned in our fild tirp.

Litzy said...

In Colorado Habitats we learning about all sorts of animals.That live in the Alpine Tundra,Subalpine Forests,Montane Forest,Riparian,Grasslands,Montane Shrublands,Juniper Woodlands,and sagebrush Shrublands.We also are going to do dioramas on either Deserts,Rainforest,Savannah, and The Temperant Forest.

Anonymous said...

In this I.B unit I learned about were animals habatats are. Were learning about different animals and their homes in Colorado and other places. I got to see a animal skeleton in real life. I got to see animal footprints in real life. I got to see a praire dog looking out of it`s hole. I got to see elk passing the road.