September 17, 2008

Our Learning

What are we doing in class?


Anonymous said...

In Ib we are learning about natural desasters. In scienece we are learning abut electricity. In math we are learning about geomotry. In reading we are learning about facts and options. In writing we are learning about how to publishing,reviesing,ededing.This is all we are learning in Mrs. Coggins class.

Anonymous said...

Our Learning
Do you whant to know what we are learning in this class well ok?We are finshing are publishing that is why I'am doing this.Well lets do some math no I'am just kidding so what we are learning in math is geometry in this class.Ok what do you want to do science or IB IB lets go.In IB we are learning about tornadoes but the first one we did was hurricans.Now in science we are learning eletricity so what do you want to do now ok now leave right now

Anonymous said...

DO you whant to learn what are we lerning at shcool? In science we are lerning electricity the first time that we lern electricity we got a lightbool and a dsel and a cabel.In writing we are learning about revbising,ededing,puplishing.In math we are learning about geomotry.In IB we are learning about natural desasters.In reding wr are learning about facts,opinions,sysnonims,and antynoms.

Anonymous said...

In Ib we are learning about Natrul desasters that hapens in the world like tornatous, volcanoes. In math we are going to a senter that is cal the perimeter find. Also a know that firefires know that people do that it can be fire nathing else can be burn.Also they give us some rulers to the techers togive it to us and the techers fgive us the rulers to help us whith adding and subtracting.

Anonymous said...

What we are learning in ib is Natural desasters. Natural desasters is some that happen in earth.sometime the earth make natual desasters because peolpe make something and if someone make a airplan and if there is a airplan charsh will that was manmade.but anyway natual desasters can be not cool at all in earth .now you kown what we do in ib is natual desasters.see you late.natual desasters are so cool.

Anonymous said...

In ib we are learning about natural Disasters.Volcanoes,Earthquakes,Tsunamis,Hurricanes,and Tornadoes.Next we are learning abo-ut bizzand.

Anonymous said...

in ib we are learning about natural desasters.natural desasters is something that happens bad to earth.there are lots of natural desasters like earthquakes tsunamis blizzards landslides tornadoes avalanches volcanoes hurricanes floods.see there can be lots of natural desaster in the usa.but not just in the you leared about natural desasters.

Anonymous said...

In school we are learning about nauraldeasters one of them is voicano.

Anonymous said...

In writing were learning descriptive paragraphs.In math were learning estimating sums.In Ib were learning Natural Disasters.These are the things we learned about Earthquakes,Volcanoes,Tsunamis,Tornadoes,Hurricanes.In reading we usualy go to another teachers class to do other harder work.My teachers name is Mrs taylor.Thats all what were learning in school.

Anonymous said...

pyroclasts larger tahn ash,between inch millimertrs and inches milliters insize, are known as lapilli.any larger pyroclast is called a pyroclastic domd.some bombs solidify.

Anonymous said...

my favorite, natural desaster is the tornadoes and the volcano and i like this desastres because they are sometimes are red and tornadoes can be black end red end the volcanoes have lava end the lava can kill people because it is hot.

Anonymous said...

In writing we are learning about descriptive paragraph and plural nouns.also in math we are learning how to estimate sums.And in Ib we are learning about natural disasters.It is fun.

Anonymous said...

Today in class we are learning lots of stuff like Ib. Let me tell you about it well in ib we are learning about tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes.In science we are learning electricity we got a light bulb and tried to turn it on.

Anonymous said...

In class we are learning about math.How to add and maybe how to subtract.In ib we are learning about Tsunamis, huracanes,earth quakes,tornadoes,volcanoes.In sience we are learning about electricity.In wiriting we are learning about descritive paraghrafs.And in grammar we are learning abut singular nouns and plural nouns.In reading we are learning about main idea and deatail about the story.this is all we are doing in class.
! Cool!

cristina said...

Today in class we are learning about Creative Exspresstions it means photogarphy,painting,music,panting.We are learning more about multaplication.We are learning in writing about something new its a suprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is what we are learning about in class

Eleazar holguin said...

Today we are learning about contractions in writing.We didn't have reading.Its because we had a athour come today.In ib we are learning about the rain forest.In math we are doing the year in review.Todays year in review we are learning multiplucation.Thats what we are learning today.P.s.Not every one is not doing multiplucation.

cristina said...

Today in class we are learning about sharing our homes. We are also learning how to make a diorama so we can go to the jim and everybody can see them.We are also learning how to learn diffrent words of sharing our homes.There are difrent stuff to learn in I.B. This is what we are learning in I.B.

Anonymous said...

In writing we learn how to write in cursive. That`s what we do in writing and in Mrs.Coggines class. Erika